Garfieldhug's Blog

This & That Including What Ails

Kiwinana’s Photo Challenge

on August 18, 2017

Kiwinana, Ramblings of a Writer at blog site posted a challenge on Photo Fiction 100 – No Fear only peace. I enjoyed the picture of a bear kissing the hand of a fair lass.

It prompted me to write this feel good story and I hope you will enjoy reading it. Do pop by Kiwinana’s site for great reads 😉

The Story begins…..

“Oh look, way down yonder…a bear! A fluffy, cuddly bear, the same nice bear from the cottage I slept in”, shrieked Goldilocks.

“I will never forget his kindness for letting me rest in his warm bed and that refreshing bowl of porridge!”

Goldilocks walked over to Mr Bear and being the perfect gent of a bear, Mr Bear greeted Goldilocks like as if she was the Queen.

Immaculate manners for a gruffy bear, which is not the norm thought Goldilocks.

As they chatted, Goldilocks learnt that this particular bear used to be a Prince in the Kingdom of Happiness. The town’s old and gnarly witch called Old Hag, refused to accept happiness and did everything to thwart the village folks’ daily happiness.

Folks started to get surly and the Old hag’s grumpy, back biting and back stabbing attitude started to dilute the villagers happiness index.

Fights, tavern brawls, marriages became asunder and children started misbehaving towards their parents!

The Prince angst over this and nary a solution was in sight. He mediated to no avail as Old Hag refused to let up on her awful antics and soon a tinge of evilness clouded the village as Old Hag became more powerful in dishing out her unhappiness!

Surely one so awful must be ill, the Prince thought to himself!

The Prince of Happiness began travelling the islands in search of an apothecary or a wizard.

The wizard he found advised him to accept Old Hag’s spell and be turned into a bear. The spell would break only if he can find one sweet and dear to hear his story.

Goldilocks did and listened intently. Soon Mr Bear transformed into a Prince and as he did so, it evaporated Old Hag! Poof! She vanished into thin air!

The End – 297 words!

Happy Friday Folks 😀


12 responses to “Kiwinana’s Photo Challenge

  1. Mr. Mel says:

    Cursed be the old Hag, she had it coming, she push the Prince until he could bear it no longer. 👍💐🌹

  2. kiwinana says:

    Enjoy it. this challenge wasn’t mine, I have posted it on
    so others can read it. Smiles!

  3. samanthamurdochblog says:

    Ha ha! Who is the prince based on…I wonder! Witty little story – and coincidentally…I have nominated you for a music tag that I’m doing on Saturday. No pressure to participate in it, but it’s a bit of fun 😺💕xxx

    • Garfield Hug says:

      Glad you enjoyed it! Music tag…haha! I need to see how to participate as apart from my national anthem and parts of Jingle Bell…I am tone and lyric deaf 😂😂😂Thanks.🤗🤗Will do my bestest👍💕💕🐾🐾

  4. calmkate says:

    wishful thinking … it doesn’t bear thought 🙂

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