Garfieldhug's Blog

This & That Including What Ails

Neighbor’s Cooking – 1 To 3 September 22

on September 3, 2022

1 September 22 dinner was a Filipino dish of fried pork with brinjal and beans. A side of blanched spinach was also added. She added 2 rounds of Korean sushi made with tuna flakes and miso doufu soup with seaweed.

Japanese Miso soup

2 September dinner was delish. Fried noodles with fishcake, pork & vegetables. Accompanying soup was pork bones with radish and carrot chunks.

3 September 22 lunch was soup -corn on cob with tomatoes and pork bones. Stir fried veggies and chicken cuts stir fried in soya sauce, seasoned with curry leaves.

Delicious! Neighbor is still busy managing 2 grandsons and often stay over at her daughter’s place. So she cannot cook for me. But when she is home, she includes me. And for that, I am grateful.

6 responses to “Neighbor’s Cooking – 1 To 3 September 22

  1. All her dishes look delicious

  2. Ultra says:

    They look delicious and they probably taste very good. I have never eaten miso soup, but I think it tastes similar to broth in Poland, in Europe, where I come from

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