Garfieldhug's Blog

This & That Including What Ails

Neighbor’s Cooking – 19 October 22 – She’s Back!

on October 19, 2022

Neighbor has returned from her month long cruise vacation in Italy and Rome.

She made bruschetta….delightfully tangy with the bite of raw shallots! I used it as topping on toasted wholemeal bread. Delish!!

Dinner tonight was rice with chia seeds, french beans and shitake mushrooms steeped in black soya sauce. It was served with a side of old cucumber soup with pork bones and carrots.

4 responses to “Neighbor’s Cooking – 19 October 22 – She’s Back!

  1. I am sure you are very happy that she is back.

  2. Yum. I like Bruschetta

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