Garfieldhug's Blog

This & That Including What Ails

Chinese Dumpling Festival

on May 25, 2014


The dumpling festival is fast upon us. I love eating dumplings as it is a meal in itself.

Made of glutionous rice filled with meats, a sliver of pork fat, an oyster with mushrooms and chestnuts would denote the Hokkien clan’s dumpling or as we say in dialect, “bak chang”.

The ones in the picture were taken by Bird as her mum wraps and boils these yummy pyramids of goody wraps.

Time consuming and hard work, it requires great hand strength to hold and tie tightly to ensure the pandan leaves or dumpling leaves as I call it encapsulate the rice grains and stuffings to prevent it from exploding into the pot of boiling water to cook the dumplings.

I shall look forward to eating these treats soon.

Legend has it in China that a great man jumped into the river for a greater good. The citizens threw in these rice dumplings to distract the fishes or sea life from eating him so that he can be intact. By eating this dumpling, the sea life would be too full to bite him.

Hmm I wonder if there are Great Whites or Pirahnas in China?

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